Welcome to Uzi's Page!

I like to put pictures of me and my friends here :)

Let's get started!

But first, let me take a selfie :)

This is me as a little baby!!

I got adopted during Hurricane Irma, waiting out the storm was tiring!


I used to be so silly! I was so excited for my first walk!

This was Max! I used to see him on my walks!

I was so excited to see Micro Championship Wrestling!!

Hang out with mee :)

I like to hang out and have fun!

I LOVE going for walks!!!!!

I try to get a healthy amount of taco bell in my diet.........when i'm allowed >:)


But I'm not the only tv star around these parts...

Ozzy is my best friend in the whole world!!!

I'll kick his ass.

but its ok he's chill.

He like's to go for walks too ....sometimes

Some people say we look alike but I say they aren't lookin hard enough!!

I have other friends too.... Here I am matching with Rosie.

I also like to hang out with Rainy and Willow!

Rainy is usually pretty grumpy at me..

And Willow loves to pose!

There's also Marco...................I tolerate him 😒

And don;t forget Garf!!!